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Class Photos
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Arenzvlle High School
Class of 1930

Virginia High School
Class of 1936

Front L to R - Bob Menees, Greg Wilhite, Everett Mullen, Charles McDaniels
2nd row - Jane Yowell, Judy Davis, Louise Decker, Christine Sutherd, Pauline Brunk, Goldie Hudson, Elizabeth Drinkwater, Helen Livingston
3rd row - Teacher, M.M. Cruft, Vera Avery, Jane Dresser, ?, Freda Donovan,
Marjorie Cox, ?, Mary Wilhite, Helen Riley, Sarah Ellen Smith
4th row - Dean Whisant, Ures Barker, Albert Stanbaugh, Gerald "Red" Darland, James Daniel, Jack Whitfield, Lyle Rogers--Photo identification - Jean Devlin
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